Sponsor FLIC

Five sponsorship levels afford anyone the opportunity to partner with FLIC!
Download Sponsorship Opportunities brochure here.

Movie Star ($1000+)

  • Name and/or logo on all printed materials: posters, newspapers & program
  • Name and logo on screen between screenings
  • Name and logo on FLIC Website
  • Four All-Access passes

Director ($500 – $999)

  • Name and/or logo on program
  • Name and logo on screen between screenings
  • Two All-Access passes

Screenwriter ($250 – $499)

  • Name on program
  • Name on screen between screenings
  • One All-Access pass

Cinematographer ($100 – $249)

  • Name on program
  • Name on screen between screenings

Supporting Cast ($50-$99))

  • Name on program

Sponsorship Commitments due no later than: January 15, 2023.

Sponsor A Film

Sponsoring an individual film is a great way to promote your business or organization to a captive audience! For $150 you receive:

  • Name & logo on screen before the film you sponsor screens
  • Poster in lobby announcing you as the film’s sponsor
  • Name listed in program as a film’s sponsor

If the sponsored film plays during encore week, your logo will show before the film again!

Sponsor An Event

Each FLIC event draws a crowd! There are five event sponsorships:

  • Opening Night Kick-off Event (2 sponsors)
  • Saturday Night Event (2 sponsors)
  • Sunday Evening Awards Ceremony (1 sponsor)

To sponsor an event for $250, you receive:

  • Name and logo listed in the program as one of the event’s sponsors
  • Name and logo featured on a banner at the event
  • Name and logo on all printed materials
  • Name and logo on the screen between screenings blocks

How To Pay

Pay online through our secure Square checkout or pay via check.

Pay By Check:
Please tell us your name as you would like it to appear in the program, which sponsorship you would like to donate to, and mail your check to:

PO Box 582
Polson, MT 59860